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    4900 Madison Avenue
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Bright and Beautiful Spray by Teleflora

Bright and Beautiful Spray by Teleflora


The "Bright and Beautiful Spray" by Teleflora is a vibrant and colorful tribute that reflects the diverse spectrum of emotions experienced when remembering a cherished loved one. This spray features a rich array of blooms in various hues, symbolizing the different facets of life and the memories shared with the departed. The use of bright and beautiful flowers creates a visually stunning arrangement, conveying a sense of celebration and appreciation for the life that was lived. This heartfelt spray serves as a powerful expression of love and remembrance, providing comfort and solace to those mourning the loss of their dear one. Placed on an easel, the "Bright and Beautiful Spray" stands as a radiant symbol of the enduring impact of a life well-lived.

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