Happy Vaeltine's Day!
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    4900 Madison Avenue
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses. Beautiful!

Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses. Beautiful!


If you want someone to think sweet thoughts about you, send them the Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses – a beautiful and delightful arrangement that's sure to capture their heart. A graceful heart of bear grass is elegantly tied with purple waxflower, creating a charming visual effect as it appears to float above a bed of red roses nestled in a ruby-red glass vase. How sweet it is! With our same-day flower delivery, you can effortlessly send this enchanting bouquet, allowing the recipient to experience the beauty and romance of red roses promptly. Whether you're expressing love, sending affectionate thoughts, or simply surprising someone special, this bouquet is a timeless and sweet choice for various occasions

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